combined living and dining room design
Images via Decorilla / Living Room – Option 1

What’s the best way to complete a design when you’ve already picked out many of the main furniture pieces? Min made some living room decorating decisions by investing in her main furniture pieces, but she came to us asking, What’s missing? Sitting in the space together with these items, she thought now what?

Taking into account the layout of a room with furniture selected is really important. But, the magic happens when style and mood shine through the thoughtful selection of decor items. In this recent Decorilla project, Min shared with us her need for decoration and the following goals:

  • arrangement of bought furniture
  • decorating the space that met her lifestyle needs without extensive alterations
  • guidance in selecting extra furniture to complete the look of the home

Our designer Aldrin C. took to the challenge and created some beautiful options for his client to choose. Here art, sculptures, and accent textiles bring the space to life, creating the modern, bright space that Min desired.

house decorating living room1
Living Room – Option 2
combined living room and dining room decoration
Living Room – Night View Example
before after living room
Living Room – Option 3

Each option offers a variation of home decoration, but they all have commonalities that help when bringing a room design together. Here are our top three tips for creating the perfect layout and design:

  1. Have a statement piece. Whether it’s a boldly patterned rug, an over-sized piece of art, or a shiny sculpture, including a decor item that shouts out your style or says something about you is attractive. These fill out a space devoid of interest and offer a “wow” factor.
  2. Never underestimate lighting. Lighting plays a crucial role in the mood and function of a room. Being mindful of task areas and places for ambient lighting makes a room both useful and comfortable. As seen with the night view of the project above, our designer, Aldrin C. was able to make the space as beautiful as in the day.
  3. Consider texture. Color, pattern, and finish are evident design elements that help complete a room. Texture adds an interesting aspect that is more subtle, but just as important. If there are many reflective surfaces, think about adding natural textures like woven seagrass or reclaimed wood. Throw in a velvet pillow or include a leather ottoman. Such pieces invite the touch and contribute to the whole aesthetic.

A space can have all the necessities and be ready for use. But, without some key house decoration pieces, it tends to lack in warmth and style. Decorilla designers are ready to help make that nice space into a dream space. You can even start your project today!

[images: Decorilla]

Written by Creative Design Expert, Christine Martin.