Virtual interior design by - Selma Arapcic

Decorilla loves shining the spotlight on their exceptional team. Today, we get to know Selma Arapcic. An online interior designer with a natural skill for balance. Moreover, her exquisite designs show how minimalism can be warm and inviting. Read on to learn more about Selma!

Meet Online Interior Designer Selma Arapcic

Online interior decorator and designer - Selma Arapcic

Interior design has always fascinated Selma Arapcic. Since a young age, Selma’s grown her interest into a full-blown passion. And today, she is an inspiring designer making waves in the industry. Her timeless interior designs certainly make happy homes for clients worldwide.

Did interior design always interest you?

Virtual living room interior design by Selma Arapcic
Virtual living room interior design by Decorilla designer, Selma Arapcic

From the early age of four or five, I was always fascinated by the many contemporary interiors I had a chance to visit. But, my main passion from childhood was fashion design. I was also dreaming of becoming an architect one day. In high school, I started working professionally. I was doing fashion shows at fashion weeks and for magazines. By then, I was also preparing to study architecture. 

Kitchen virtual interior design by Selma Arapcic
Kitchen virtual interior design by Decorilla designer, Selma Arapcic

After finishing my studies and becoming a senior architect, I realized my true passion lies in interior design. The field brings together my two loves: fashion and architecture. It combines materials, textures, and shapes in interesting and wholesome ways.

Love Selma’s sleek and stylish interiors? Then, schedule a Free Interior Design Consultation to learn more about working with her today!

How would you define your design style?

Virtual home interior design by Selma Arapcic
Virtual home interior design by Decorilla designer, Selma Arapcic

I like to think of myself as a chameleon concerning styles as I don’t have any particular personal look. Whether it’s a pure style or a blend of many, my motto is ”No Can’t Do”. In other words, I can work in any form and explore different mixes to suit clients.

Who or what influences your work?

Bathroom by online interior designer Selma Arapcic
Bathroom by Decorilla online interior designer, Selma Arapcic

I think clients have the most influence on my work. Some of their inspiration and preferences have made a huge impact on my design point of view and my taste. The variety of people and their tastes guide my own as I continue to learn.

What’s a must-have item you make sure your interior designs include?

Living room by online interior decorator Selma Arapcic
Living room by Decorilla online interior decorator, Selma Arapcic

I don’t have a must-have item that I put in my interiors. I always tend to follow the client’s wishes. However, I can suggest interesting pieces making a particular statement. These are always items that would suit the client’s personality or personal taste, whether it is a piece of furniture, lighting, or décor.

Online interior design services - how it works

What is a recent design trend that you love at the moment?

Master bedroom by online interior designer Selma Arapcic
Master bedroom by Decorilla online interior designer, Selma Arapcic

I’m especially attracted to warm minimalism. It’s a trend that emphasizes a lack of clutter, simple silhouettes, and clean lines in earthy colors and natural textures. In our modern day, life is busy. That’s why it’s vital to try and keep things simple, functional, and well organized. Following the saying ‘less is more’ is my aim. Instead of having an unattractive and unfinished look, minimal interiors can be full of warmth, homeyness, and character. In fact, these spaces can be full of life.

If you had to pick a favorite room in your home, which would it be and why?

Contemporary lounge by online interior designer Selma Arapcic
Contemporary lounge by Decorilla online interior designer, Selma Arapcic

I would choose my living room which is part of an open concept with the dining area. It is a multifunctional open space that includes seating and a work area. I enjoy being in the center of the house and spending as much time as possible in this space.

What is your favorite design magazine or blog and why?

Virtual interior design inspiration - Mansion Global
Selma is inspired by warm minimalism – image by Mansion Global

While I was studying, I adored magazines like Casaviva and Bravacasa in addition to architectural magazines. They were among the most popular magazines at that time for interior design. Pinterest didn’t exist yet, so I had a really impressive collection of magazines. They had a huge impact on my becoming an interior designer.

What is the best thing about being an interior designer?

Kids bedroom by online decorator Selma Arapcic
Kids bedroom by Decorilla online decorator, Selma Arapcic

You can be very creative and create interesting blends in interior design. Besides, some ideas that you think wouldn’t work together, can be surprisingly great. The best thing about interior design is the uniqueness of each design. Each interior is unique as the client and designer combine their forces to create a one-of-a-kind look.

What was your first big project and what was your favorite part?

Home office virtual interior design by Selma Arapcic
Home office virtual interior design by Decorilla designer, Selma Arapcic

My first big project was when I was working on an entire house for the first time. I was really excited, especially at the end when the interior came together. I could see the whole house as one individual story filled with many smaller tales. There was great cohesion in terms of style and color scheme. But still, each room has personality, its individual character.

How do you manage challenges that come up during a design project?

Bedroom by online interior decorator Selma Arapcic
Bedroom by Decorilla online interior decorator, Selma Arapcic

Each project has a different flow. Sometimes clients need more time in the design process. For instance, deciding on a particular style is tough when clients are battling with their own personal preferences. Also, it can be tricky for clients to decide on items – two pieces can cause a huge dilemma. But I see every challenge as part of the design process as I just love designing. My strong passion ensures I am always enthusiastic about each project.

Why do you like to be an online interior designer?

Dining room by online interior designer Selma Arapcic
Dining room by Decorilla online interior designer, Selma Arapcic

Online interior design is awesome. You can work whenever and wherever. In fact, you can work from any place on earth and still do the same great job and provide great quality design. In today’s super busy life, working as an online interior designer gives you the opportunity to set your working schedule and combine it with fun.

Interested in a virtual design project?

If you like her designs, start a project with Selma today! Alternatively, let Decorilla find your perfect match. Schedule a Free Interior Design Consultation to learn more!

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