Project Description:
We are looking to transform our home office into our toddler's bedroom.
We would like it to feel soft, serene with a touch of whimsy. We like soft muted colors and pastels We'd love great storage for her toys and books, a soft rug for playing on, pretty wallpaper (peel off preferred), and blackout curtains.
Links to our existing furniture that we would like to keep®ion_id=820120&cm_ite=7782217_18101025043&gclid=CjwKCAjw1ICZBhAzEiwAFfvFhCidsou4Ly3WhWXXhXxIOb3roz5VtAM15Z4KgJYGYsBc26nz6wALKhoCT3wQAvD_BwE
Note: the desk and the shelving above the desk are both built-ins and we'd like to keep the shelving.